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NATURATA & SOS Faim: Together for the people in South-Kivu

Sustainable agriculture against poverty towards independence

The 1st of December, NATURATA starts a new round of its solidary action for the benefit of the people in South-Kivu. Like every year, we are looking forward to your helpfulness.

Donate your stamps until mid-January 2021 for the good cause and increase their worth. NATURATA doubles the amount of the collected stamps and transfers the donation via our cooperation partner SOS Faim to the local NGO “Amis du Kivu” in February.

Together we are supporting the rural population in the Congolese province in their daily fight against hunger, poverty and dependence. In order to achieve permanent peace in the conflict-ridden region as well as food sovereignty, the revitalisation of the agricultural sector, which 70% of the rural families rely on, is of the essence. Hence, it is not sufficient to distribute food packages in a region characterised by agriculture. The implementation of long-term programs with local partners provide the necessary autonomy to the small farmers.

To develop the knowledge and capabilities of the rural population in such a way that sustainably improves their working conditions and livelihoods is of great importance to SOS Faim.

Overall, the different projects aim at increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural production sustainably with the goal of securing food sovereignty and raising the families’ income. Thanks to the surplus leading to elevated revenues, the people get access to health and education while assuring a balanced management of the eco-systems and preserving the environment for future generations.

At the same time, the vicious cycle of dependence on external help is broken. With the help of SOS Faim and “Amis du Kivu”, the local farmers and their family members can take their fate into their own hands.

Nevertheless, the challenges are abundant: there is a lack in tools, in structures and in knowledge regarding organic fertilisation and agro-ecological farming methods. The regionally roted NGO “Amis du Kivu” advises people on-site, where education is needed most.

OIKOPOLIS Naturata SOS Faim Acrylbox A3 Internet

What we promote:

  • Sustainable production in family businesses
  • Establishment of farming cooperatives
  • Sensitisation of resource preventing methods
  • Education and support through local consultants on-site

Since the beginning of our charity cooperation with SOS Faim and ”Amis du Kivu“ in 2017, we were able to achieve many goals. Find more information on how your previous donations were of help under this link.

Do you want more background information?


“Make 10 out of 1”: small donation with 10 times the impact!

During the fundraising period until the 15th of January 2021, you can donate your stamps in each NATURATA store by inserting them in the small acryl boxes near the checkout. Like always, the collected amount will be rounded up, doubled and transferred to SOS Faim in February.

But there is more. Thanks to the co-financing of the Luxemburgish European and Foreign Ministry, the total sum will be multiplied by 5. Thus, each Euro donated to SOS Faim results in 5 Euros for the partner organisation in South-Kivu. Consequently, every Euro left in form of the loyalty stamps by our NATURATA clients will convert into 10 Euros that reach the population in the Congolese province!

You want to help even more? If you’d like, you can leave your change in the money box near the checkout for the good cause. Please use the colourful wood box.

Our partners – SOS Faim and “Amis du Kivu”:


SOS Faim is a Luxembourgish non-governmental organisation for development aid and helps African farmers to leave poverty since 1993. Moreover, the NGO focusses less on satisfying the population’s needs but on developing knowledge.

SOS Faim is active in 6 African countries and supports 20 local organisations (farmers cooperatives, mocro-financing institutes, locale NGO’s), which then help the rural communities. Overall, 900.000 farmers and their families benefit from this support. One of the local organisations with whom SOS Faim cooperates is “Amis du Kivu”.

“Amis du Kivu” is an NGO founded in 2003 that implements various projects in south- and North-Kivu with the aim to get the rural development in this region started while protecting the environment.

Among other projects, “Amis du Kivu” performs sensitisation and consulting work among the local producers. The NGO helps them to organise themselves as a collective and offers organisational, technical and financial help to the farmers. Hence, the organisation contributes to increase the autonomy of the households by putting them in a situation where they can satisfy their basic needs.