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  • News

NATURATA farm shops as portraits of an exhibition

For the forth time already, the Etika asbl of the Luxembourgish savings bank (BCEE) organised a photography competion called „etikamera“, where passionate hobby photographers should portray some projects that are co-financed by Etika funds.

The jury liked the pictures of the Meyers-Haff the best, which made Sana Murad and Marie Sauerhöfer the winners of the price in the category "composition".

The photographies are available for free in the central station in Luxembourg, where all the participating porojects are presented in posters. The Exhibition ends on the 8th of february. After that, the NATURATA postcards will also be available in the stores.

Here a little preview:

2020 Actu etikamera2

More information (with the full gallery of particcipating project)